Monday, September 22, 2008

first paragraph for english

todays society has different stigmas for what is acceptable. there are those that choose to live outside the norm and a persecuted for their "alternative lifestyles". the media protrays goths, punks and emo kids in a bad light. also a very misunderstood one. what is a counter culture? it's usually a class of people started from a youth movement. there are many types of counter cultures and some blur the lines between them like for example you can have an "emo goth".

Monday, September 15, 2008

my research blueprint

step 1: finalize topic. step 2: go to libriary and look for reaserch material on topic Step 3: write rough draft of paper on computer Step 4: edit paper and correct any mistakes.....thats all i got so far. i'm sure there are more steps that i'm forgetting but i didnt get any sleep last night and i'm running on energy drinks and cheetos.

Monday, September 8, 2008

topics i want to do a reasearch paper on!

for class i would like to do research paper of racism or how people use streotypes to judge people with out realizing it. how society conditions us to look at people a certain way wether they be black or white, gay or straight. counter culture or not. and how this pertains to our legal system or society in general. or i would do a resarch paper of a counter culture like punk or emo or goth and what it orginally originated from and what it means today or i would do a research paper on how there is really no middle class as long as the prices of todays living our going up and how that affects the future of america.