Monday, September 8, 2008

topics i want to do a reasearch paper on!

for class i would like to do research paper of racism or how people use streotypes to judge people with out realizing it. how society conditions us to look at people a certain way wether they be black or white, gay or straight. counter culture or not. and how this pertains to our legal system or society in general. or i would do a resarch paper of a counter culture like punk or emo or goth and what it orginally originated from and what it means today or i would do a research paper on how there is really no middle class as long as the prices of todays living our going up and how that affects the future of america.


blakes blog said...

Researching counterculture seems really cool, expicially about the punk and goth part. Also i liked the part you said about society conditioning people to act and look a certain way

Stephanie Stasa said...

I think you can do a very good research paper with the sterotype idea. It's an awesome idea and should be really easy to find material to support your thesis.